Flashback on Inspiring Designs
Designing inclines towards functionality unlike Fine arts that are Arts for Art sake, yet, there is a factor of pure creative pleasure even in designing.
As we move ahead with Conscious Designing project for coming year, here is a flashback on the many inspiring experiences with designing- personal and with others, that inspired arriving at this project. Also the inner outer talks prepared the ground for adding the angle of ‘Conscious’ Thankful to everyone who supported and encouraged the work.
It has been a pleasure to witness creativity unfold while working on our projects especially the last couple years while working on E2Re project and the Zero waste Crafts in relation to Waters.
What is designing? Where can it be seen Or we can ask, WHERE NOT can Design be seen.
Anything done with conscious effort can be a design good or not so good but an efforts is made to make things more beautiful then they existed. Does that make sense? It might be my personal view.
More on Designing discussion in next year, for now would just like to share some of the designs that helped grow my understanding on Design, Arts and its connection to Life as a Whole. So much more to learn…
*ALL photos are courtesy of the author, they should not be used without prior permission.
Handmade teaching aids for wetlands enrichment
For the wetlands week Enrichment event,
Julie Nieset, Wetland scientist at I NHS had prepared Teaching needs to show the length of different plants in our yards versus native plants her it was a genius design. Simple and impactfuful
Handmade Art project For the SOI Seniors special virtual meet, the Grandmas shared some elaborate handmade designs. It's amazing to see the kind of patience and effort put into their crafts. With readymade getting cheaper, my gen or next is diluted with such capacities.
when one lead one also follows when one is teaching one is also learning
the most benefits i had from my efforts on events activities are the inspirations from the students who created original works
when one leads one also follows, When one is teaching one is also learning
The most benefits i had from organizing these projects and activities is the inspiration to move ahead with creative spirit and the energy to explore the beauty around! I will always be thankful for these learning opportunities.