Conscious Designing

Inquiry project

Intro and

planning page

Opens from ARD 2023 Talks formally resume from 2024

Conscious Designing Inquiry page here, this is planning and intro page.

Like all Eco-Culture-Arts projects, this project will be open for collaborations with diverse groups to collectively explore conscious ways of creating.

Submit the form below to get involved.

No worry Doll handmade

Phil Nyman’s Tengram figure- Wooden Puzzle pieces.

No worry dolls handmade dolls

Let’s work together

We invite you to be part of this project in whichever way you prefer to add meaning to this inquiry

Aim- Exploring the scope of Designing beyond parameters of Arts to include Interdisciplinary views and mindful practices while Designing. 

Background of the project more here- ARD 2023

Nature of project- Inquiry based, Virtual Talk/ Creative Arts / Cultural Events

Though our medium is Arts, we believe Science, Arts, Maths, Sociology, Ecology, Psychology, Economy, and all fields of study must work in unison for a holistic approach towards human development. It is this INTERDISCIPLINARY INTERCONNECTEDNESS that we aim to explore and nurture.

I feel positive to explore the possibilities of Conscious designing from all walks of life- from the Pro’s to a common man's perspective, from a specialized to one's everyday life, from flamboyant to deeper depths of happenings… For I feel, this inquiry is not just about Designing, its Consciously creating whatever we are while considering Well being for all.

Updates on project will be posted on the C Designing Inquiry page

-Kuldeepa VM

Project Designer


.Mentioned below are the talks that began January 2024. We are grateful to all the Guests and attendees who made these talks interesting and educating!

The following are excerpts from Introductory talks. More in-depth and formal talks will begin from 2024. We are grateful to all the guests and members for their involvement and encouragement.

Project introductory meet on 16 Nov as part of ARD 2023

Below are selected excerpts from the introductory meet

We are thankful to the following members for joining us.

Abigail Padfield Narayan from Spurlock Museum Savannah Donovan from Urbana Park District Miriam Larson- from Independent Media Center and a Puppet Maker, Phil Nyman– our co-host and Puzzle designer, Mohan Tracy- Fabric Artist, Sandra Anderson- Basketry Artist

Kiri Fagen-Ulmschneider talks about Natural Fibers and plant based dyes

Seth Feldman shares his Story writing experiences.

*The story is not complete here but partially presented for the intro talks.

Designing spaces, brainstorming ideas for joint events.

The excerpts below are part of December meet held on 16 December.

We are grateful to all guest presenters for their active participation in sharing and brainstorming ideas for possible Sprng activities.

Naturescape Play area at APNC by David Subers from Urbana Park District

Fabric refurbishing by Mrs Thiele from Champaign Mized clovers 4-H Club,

‘Water’ poem/ song by Nazanine Agassi from IAS UIUC Library,

Julie Nieset, George Hardebeck for joining us on this meet.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Sanctity of Water

These excerpts are from presentation on the topic given by Dr Sowmya Anand on 5 dec at AACC The talks were in reference to Indian culture.

Intro to Museums- ‘Maintaining natural artifacts’ presented by Abigail Narayan Padfield from Spurlock Museum of World Cultures.

Ucycling Christmas Cards- a sharing buy Doris Lagos Kutz and Principles of Dance by Nazanine Agassi

C Designing talks- 2024

Our talk series starts 14 January with focus on Natural space designing and Designing with Natural Materials.

Handloom weaving, Natural materials, Natural Wetland areas

Guest speakers-

Kiri Fagen-Ulmschneider shared her weaving process with mention of Natural materials/ dyes.

Kiri’s website here and Youtube channel here

Julie Nieset spoke about the Wetland Ecology and preserving these natural areas.

Weaver park Watchdogs Facebook page here

Petition to save the Natural wetland area here

Thnakyou to our Guest speakers and to our attendee friends Dr Sowmya Anand, Nazanine Agassi, Philip Nyman for making these talks and discussion much interesting.

Virtual Exhibit- Earthday special meet

This meet dedicated to Earthday month was an extension of the Virtual exhibit. We walked through the exhibit and casually shared our works as youth groups.We are thankful to

Mrs Thiele- Champaign Mixed Clovers 4H club

Ms Pruski- Centennial Highshool 4H Chargers club

Ms Julie Nieset- Wetland scientist

Ms Sophia Beem- media officer for SECS )Student for environmental concerns)

Mrs Doris Lagos Kutz

Vyom Mehta- co-host and youth representative

Youth members Khushboo and Katherine.

Planning talks for phase-2

Below are Prep talks and discussion.

Festina Lente is the key word for planning and executing!

Discussions on Cultures, Water, Zorastrian