Book Reading Event

The Book reading event on 9 June at Lincoln Square Mall was one of the concluding events of this Conscious Designing Inquiry project.

Video Playlist of all talks here

We are Thankful to all the guests and attendees for making this an inspiring meet.

Special Thanks to Phil Nyman for co-hosting the event, Hannah Smith to make the space available, and Vyom Mehta for the technical support in organizing this event.

We are grateful to all the Guests and Community presenters Making our ‘Wellness for All’ theme so enriching.

Presenters and their talks:

Rachel Rasmussen- on ‘Books to Prisoners’ program

Dr. Robert Stake and Dr Merel Visse on their book- ‘A Paradigm of Care’

Manjula Tekal- Aon her book- ‘Devayani'

Phil Nyman- on ideas of Joy with Books and Puzzles, Event Co-host,

Megan Miller- Remembering Dave Monk

Vyom Mehta- Experience of digital verses hard copy Books

Meera Bharati- on Books, Engineering and AI

Following audios are partial clips of the talks.

*Since they are excerpts, they might not have the continuity in conversations but videos (will follow soon) might help.


C. Designing Phase-II, member talks


Virtual Exhibit- Earthday special