Welcome Feb! Happy Imbolc

Drops turned Ice like diamonds hanging on Carb Apple tree.. Pic from early Fen 2022

As the first Gregorian month subsides 

the next in line arises

Though next, it’s still at the beginning of the year.

Carrying with it 

A possibility of transition 

from intensity of cold 

to showing signs of warmer weather

From intensity of New Years excitement 

To mellowed joy of Valentines heart chakra vibrations

Welcome Feb 

The only short month 

Short of couple numbers to three 10’s

Yet the most important 

To regulate the calculation of entire year

Is it a coincidence? 

Or is there a Cosmic relation


These lines are a part of a longer writeup and were penned on 1 Feb to welcome February.

The last two lines were in connection to some correlation I wanted to make with Spirituality and Water elements, but felt some research was needed as I was unclear. Glad I did, for what flowed thereafter was even more clearer and took me deeper. When we say February it's a Gregorian month but this season is different months in different calendars from different cultures depending upon its geographical regions.

January enjoys the limelight of New years excitement

Nature of which is like fireworks

As the fun subside quickly

most of us are either left with all sorts of harmful hangovers

like the residues of fireworks,

Or not-happy to start work after vacations.

Only a few percentile can carry the happiness of the 'new'

and look forward to exploring the year unfold.

In that sense, Imbolc seems to represent the New Life Cycle.

So while researching, its Spiritual significance and connection to Waters, I found context in many religions/ cultures. This webpage mentions some practices.. Though Feb is an  AIr sign it precedes the Water sign of Pices that starts in same month. On a Global context, we have World Wetlands day at the beginning of this month- a Geo feature that's crucial to preserve. 

Then I read a blog that had landed in my inbox. It was in sync with what I was thinking. What a great timing I thought! Creative Fire and Power of Art its titled by Nancy Hausauer. I opened it for art but guess what, it was 1 Feb and this blog spoke of Imbolic celebration in Celtic region. It was a pleasure to revisit Nancy's Energy healing insights.

While my hands finishes chores my ears have the privilege of listening to the podcasts, talks and more. Happened to bump into Deepak Chopra's talks. I have. not been his fan but have appreciated his work in alternative medicine and more so in Quantum healing. This talk touched me a lot. What a wonderful color of ageing i thought, i could feel it in his voice steady yet jovial talk.

All this in a matter of 2 days. So many stimuli happening around!

Even if I am receptive, can I process the thoughts 

and put it to action where it is needed the most

Thats the challenge

what do we do with so much given

We use, we share, but waste not.

There will be left over

but nature will take care of it all!

For more new and fresh is coming by...

So prep the Feb for abundance to begin with a small blad of grass, with a tiny bud smiling back, the sun rising earlier and birds preparing to say Hi! What are you preparing for?

Here's to Feb 

Wishing us all 

A Happy start. 


The Joy of being a Rasikā