Art encounters through Pandemic


Since the Pandemic’s blow,

the existing systems crumbled,

people shuffled, ideas tumbled. 

Though the annihilation still goes on,

it’s inspiring to see

how we r coping up and moving on. 

I would like to share a gist of some lockdown events I came across, that made me feel optimistic and hopeful about future in spite of Pandemic’s despair. As my field is Art, would like to stick with my Art inspirations. Hope this brings the same optimism to you as it did to me.

Since the experiences r fresher, I prefer to start with the latest and the farthest.

~ As the traveling prospects opened up safely, we could visit Myrtle beach, S. Carolina, this summer.

One of the most impressive (and succesful) projects I came across unexpectedly while taking a driving break, was W. Virginia’s Tamarack marketplace stop. This arts program was the state initiative to built a platform for local makers and artisans. Many citizens lost their coal mining jobs. Tamarack was formed to promote handmade, locally made fine quality goods, creating economy that empowered its own home-talents!

Their collection is unique and original. Check the webpage 

I am Thankful to Tamarack staff, Mike Bragg, for sharing some interesting info! Check the clip

~ Beaches have a way of connecting us to our own vast Ocean within! Apart from the touching moments with the turquoise waters of Myrtle beach, I was lucky to encounter a local library- ‘The Chapin Memorial library’ that gave me some insightful books! Thanks to a librarian who was patient with my search! 

The book, ‘Living Beaches of Georgia and the Carolinas’- By Blair Witherington and Dawn Witherington, is loaded with interesting pictures and detailed study about the Grand Strand’s flora and fauna and as mentioned, is truly - A Beachcomber's Guide! My artist mind rejoiced in relating the natural beauty with the picturesque photographs!

The book, ‘Soul of the Sea: In the Age of the Algorithm’- By Nishan Degnarain and Gregory S Stone.

I had to quick browse for lack of time, but a take-away for me was their provoking thought- “we need to think in new ways, on fundamental levels, to approach new problems that we face in new age...” The content with logistics and diagrams are an eye opener! For me, it stimulates action.

~ Another visit that stimulated me artistically was at the Milwaukee Art Museum, and not just for its Art but more for it as a piece of Art! The architecture is a stunning experience of Forms and Space beautifully illuminated with a modern touch! 

They had an interactive activity for kids outside and inside the museum! My kid sketched some of the artifacts and enjoyed learning its aesthetic in a closer way! More such activities needed please :)

Sketches by Khushboo Mehta, 9yrs.

Sketches by Khushboo Mehta, 9yrs.

MAM’s Sketchpad activity for kids to note their favorite artifacts.

MAM’s Sketchpad activity for kids to note their favorite artifacts.

The many alternative Art events that opened up new ways of working, to cop with Lockdown situation, made them Novel in a positive light! I was impressed by such projects in my town.

‘The great Artdoors’ was a lovely idea!

This project is a creative response to the limitations faced by galleries and indoor public places. When the visitors could not visit galleries, the Art came out in open for the community!

I also enjoyed the Crystal Lake Art Fair!. Even with the safety protocols, it had the same artsy vibe! Apart from some wonderful art stalls, the interactive yarn art project I found most interesting! Designed by Ashley, a staff from Urbana Park District, it was a board and cut-out letters that would finally make up the decorated Title. Anyone could stop by and work on covering up the pieces with the colorful yarn available! (Title pic of completed letters. The dry leaf seemed to match with the event logo ;-)) This activity was joyfully easy yet so vibrant! (confession :- I messed up the yarn rhythm by weaving instead of circling the corners :-/

As physical spaces closed virtual world kept us afloat! Though the digital experience might not equate the former, it has its pros of being available for longer and for wider audience! 

The Giertz Gallery at Parkland College hosted a virtual art competition for youths.

While this is not great in itself, the way it was organized was impressive! It had talks and shows for community and was educating in its nature! They also organised ‘Around the block’ virtual exhibit that hosted several artist talks. Sadly, i couldn’t attend many of these but I love the gallery’s approach of inclusion and education! 

‘PANDEMICS AS A PORTAL TO CHANGE’ was another virtual exhibit open to public and would be archived as pandemic collection. 

I loved their title and so decided to submit a poem as my abstract paintings were not ready yet. The organisations that hosted this project also were actively involved in uplifting the community spirits through arts ithroughout lockdown period. Like Grand Prairie Museum’s ‘Art in a Time of Quarantine’.

Though not visual arts, I was touched by Elaine Bearden from Urbana Free library who kept the virtual book club going even when the number of attendees fluctuated. There were interesting books to look forward every week! These sessions were followed by their creative art event the Story-Walk at Parks

Though the buzz of crowd was paused, so much was happening in the corners of every block! 

Our own website was created because of Pandemic. We stood up to the challenge of designing alternative ways of keeping creativity alive!

We are grateful for a chance throughout Pandemic, to work with some wonderful organizations whose philosophies we respect! Project details and links to the organizations can be found on

My Pandemic experiences have been on extreme ends

oscillating btw highs to low depressions,

joyfully optimistic to draining pessimism,

and though most of it is just loss and failures,

there is so much raising insight gained!

When we don’t hold on, there is nothing to lose!

In fact efforts might be needed to loosen ourselves

so some space is made

for what needs to sip in the cracks

and let the serene beauty fill in those gaps. 

Let’s hope we come out on the other side of Pandemic with more resilience for all.


Zen experience with living structures